My heart wants to throw your image off from within and cast
aside the heartless has deceived me.what has my heart done to me.Now I’ll
slowly bear those memories and the lights of hope that have been put off.i will
cast off your memories slowly. you broke the traditions of love and oaths of
desire.The moments of pain don’t pass,The throb of love does’t leave the
heart,,you let me alone with a bevy of memories. wherever I go I find you.This
broken heart is proud of the feeling called faith…That all the false dreams
will crumble slowly…Will make me forget you slowly,my beloved…The wounds of
love ‘ll heal slowly… My steps will stope gradually.your memories ‘ll fade
Smooth roads never make good drivers Smooth seas never make good sailors Clear Skies never makes good Pilots. Problem and hassle free Life never makes a strong person Be Strong enough to accept the challenges of Life Don't ask Life, "Why Me? . Instead say "Try Me!"
Saturday, 10 December 2011
Sunday, 4 December 2011
Dealing with Death
Everyone deals with death in a different way. Death is a natural
part of the life cycle and we all have to face it. Coping with death is never an
easy task to do and no matter how much you prepare, it's always a very
emotional and sad time but accepting the predictable doesn't have to be
difficult if you alter your perception.
Here are some tips which you can try to help you prepare for your
People have a false perception of
how they should react to death. Accept death by being open to feeling
vulnerable. It is not necessary to be strong and sturdy.
After dealing with a tragic loss,
don't go into denial, this will make things worse for you.
Grieve properly by going through
the entire process. Accept death by allowing yourself the proper amount of
grieving and time to deal with the many feelings you experience.
Cry as often as possible. There is
nothing wrong with crying. Let it out as much as you can. Bottling it up inside
will also make it worse.
Get mad. It is part of the grieving
process, and you must go through it before you can accept death. Even if you
are dealing with the thought of your own death, it is okay to get angry. You
must get past this phase in order to accept death.
Being alone in your time of loss is
not healthy. Make sure you have the support of family and friends. If you do
not have any family and friends available try to go out in public so that you
are around people, but you don't have to talk to anyone since you don't know
Open a dialogue and let people know
that it is okay to discuss this touchy subject. Discuss death with your loved
ones. It is impossible to stave off death by avoiding the topic. Be open and
honest and let those close to you know how you wish to have your death handled.
List your feelings about death. Free
write every thought that comes to your mind. Whether it is the death of someone
close to you, or your feelings about your own death, get your thoughts down. Ponder
on the results.
Divorce after Effects
Your mindset and beliefs will
play a big role in how you adapt and succeed in your life after divorce. When
you are in the middle of the divorce process, it can be hard to imagine a life
after divorce. Especially a fuller and rewarding life… you will get past all
the lawful, fiscal and emotional aspects of divorce unbelievably and things
will eventually get better. Looking forward with hope during the divorce process
will help you cope with the stress of divorce.
Don't Panic! It might be natural but
it’s not productive. If you let it to control your life then it can lead
to make life so thorny after divorce.
Troubles and Tips:
The factors that mostly emerge
after divorce are:
- Grief of losing a person which was once closest of all will be really painful… However grief is a procedure not an endpoint.
- Another chief crash of divorce is losing friends. Friends may perhaps decide sides or even left you both altogether. Finding new friends can lead you to new experiences and a renewed sense of purpose and enjoyment.
- Married life often leads us to feel very stable & secure and we set long term goals in place. Divorce pulls that all apart. But it’s a part of life all goals are not meant to be met.
- Divorce disrupts the whole family unit if you have children, you may have less time with the kids or if you have custody, you may have to adjust to the level of support you now have. Again managing a family after divorce is a matter of being flexible and adaptable and it can be done successfully. By making your transition and showing how life can go on, you will show your kids a new path and help them adapt.
- Divorce is costly and divorced families are often more expensive to maintain. However keep in mind that money and happiness are not tied together.
Divorce is a process with an end
and you can make it through and have an even better life after divorce. Divorce
can present opportunities for new careers, going back to school or
pushing your current career further. Divorce teaches us that life is disruptive
and rarely remains the same. Many divorced parents have succeeded in
raising good and productive kids under difficult circumstances and you can do
that too.
Dealing with Divorce
There are a thousand reasons why
people get divorced. Being objective in the center of the heart-hauling
experience of divorce is difficult, if not impossible. Dealing with the healing
process of emotions is one of the major issues one faces. Post divorce emotions
can range from feelings of anger, ambivalence and self-doubt to shear relief.
This takes both external and internal work to build a new life. Whatever you
are dealing with either externally or internally, you need to develop certain
skills to help you in your transition to a new life.
There is no healing without the
belief that you can heal. Belief in ourselves is our greatest tool when it
comes to moving through a time of hardship. Be patient, kind and loving with
yourself. Push any self-doubt you have aside and believe in your own
competence. If the odds seem against you, if you feel you aren’t going to make
it, go against the odds. Develop discipline, push all negative self-talk out of
your head and believe that you can become whom you want and live the life you
desire. Try to share what you are feeling and experiencing emotionally with
others. Moving forward with your life means having a willingness to take
action… Start with baby steps and soon you will be moving forward by leaps and
bounds. The emotional, familial, and financial challenges may seem to be
overwhelming at first but time has a way of working things out for those who
refuse to give up. There is indeed life
after divorce. Consider it a time of growing, stretching, and gaining needed
insights. Those who learn from their
divorces are more likely to succeed in finding love again. Try to be as
objective as possible. Taking responsibility for your own failures will make
all the difference if you truly want to be happy again. The best thing you can
do for yourself is to truly forgive your ex-partner and then go on with your
Life is for those who live
it. Get on with your life...One day you
will look back and realize that all the sorrow and challenge you experienced
during your divorce; gave way to some of your greatest accomplishment.
Working Women
Working women here are referred to those who are in paid employment.
With centuries the women has been
rated as less important than men in almost all parts of the world. In fact, in
some ways women’s responsibilities are to look after household and children.
Women are discouraged from pursuing higher education or religious pursuits
because women who engage in such pursuits might neglect their primary duties as
wives and mothers.
It is an open truth that working
women have to face problems just by virtue of their being women. Social
attitude considers women fit for certain jobs like nurses, doctors, teachers
the caring and nurturing sectors, secretaries or in assembling jobs-the routine
submissive sectors. The age old belief of male superiority over women creates
several hurdles for women at their place of work. A gender partiality creates
an obstruction at the recruitment stage itself. The inbuilt conviction that
women are capable of less work than men or less efficient than men governs this
injustice of unequal salaries and wages for the same job. Women on the way up
the corporate ladder discover that male colleagues and subordinates often
expect much greater expertise and efficiency from a woman boss than from a male
boss. Conditioned by social and psychological tradition women colleagues too
don’t lend support to their own gender. Working in such conditions unavoidably
put much greater strain on women than what men experience. These problems tend
to make women less eager to progress in their careers. Indeed many of them
choose less demanding jobs for which they may even be over-qualified. A woman’s
work is not merely restricted to paid employment.
Women going to work are often subject to sexual
harassment. The psychological pressure of all this can easily lead to a woman
quitting her job.
Nearly three fourth working women
in cities fail to secure a daily sleeping time of eight hours during a week,
and insomnia among women has become a common disease in cities, according to
survey results.
She has to (almost
always) shoulder the burden of household chores as well. A woman could
still bear up with these problems if she had control over the money she earns.
But in most families even now her salary is handed over to father, husband or in-laws.
So the basic motive for seeking employment of getting independence is nullified
in many women’s case. Problems of gender bias beset women in the industrial
Most of the problems that beset working women are
in reality rooted in the social perspective of the position of women. A
fundamental change is required in the attitudes of the employers, policy
makers, family members and other relatives and the public at large.
Marriage Conflicts
solve a marriage problem, you have to talk with each other about it, choosing
wisely the time and place. But when accusations and lengthy speeches of
defense fill the dialogue, the partners are not talking to each other but past
each other. Take care to listen more than you speak. If you still
can’t agree on a solution, consider asking a third party, without a vested
interest, to mediate. (R.C. Sproul The Intimate Marriage, P&R Publishing,
1975, p. 68.)
No marriage is free of conflict. That's because every couple
is made up of two distinctly different people, with different experiences,
interests and emotional predispositions. Regardless of the compatibility a
couple creates in marriage, a husband and wife will always have somewhat different
perspectives, and those differences will create conflict. Conflicts over money,
careers, in-laws, child rearing, and a host of other common marital issues are
part of the experience of being married.
Some couples feel that if they could only rid themselves of
certain conflicts, they would be happy together. But marriages can be terrific
in spite of conflicts, even when some of them are never fully resolved. The
difference between couples who live in marital bliss and those who regret ever
having met each other is not found in whether or not they are free of conflict
-- it's found in whether or not they are in love with each other.
Marriage is an area of
our lives where effective planning is often regarded as unnecessary. Couples
usually believe that they should be guided by their instincts whenever they
have a conflict. Regarding emotional needs in a marriage, most spouses believe
that couples should do for each other what they "feel" like doing. If
there is no interest in meeting a particular need, it should simply go unmet.
Instinct also prevails in most couples efforts to resolve
conflicts. Instead of resolving their marital conflicts by creating and
implementing a well conceived plan, they revert to their primitive instincts --
demands, disrespect and anger -- to try to resolve their conflicts. These
instincts not only fail to provide them with long-term solutions, but they also
destroy the feeling of love. Because couples don't know any better, they keep
using demands, disrespect and anger to try to resolve their marital conflicts
until their love for each other turns into hate.
Create a plan
to resolve your conflicts and restore love to your marriage. And then follow that plan. Insight into your
problem is an important beginning but without action, insight is useless.
Create a Plan
Sustained romantic love is a litmus test of your care and
protection of each other. Care is nothing more than meeting each other's
important emotional needs and protection is accommodating each other's feelings
in what you do each day. Your marriage will be passionate and fulfilling if
both you and your spouse create and follow a plan that guarantees care and
protection. It's well worth the effort.
Following sequence can guide your own personal plan to
restore love to your marriage and to resolve conflicts:
- Make a commitment to just follow the plan
- Identify habits that threaten to destroy romantic love.
- Create and execute a plan that eliminates those identified habits
- Identifying the most important emotional needs.
- Learn to meet the emotional needs of your spouses
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